My eldest grand-daughter, who loves to sing and play piano, was in town several weeks ago. I wanted to do something special for her, so I called Rachel Warner and said - HELP. Rachel created a two hour musical immersion experience for Katelyn including piano and voice. When I picked Katelyn up her words to me were "that was truly the best two hours of my life." That's really saying something from a 16 year old. I would highly recommend WMS and can't say enough good things about her style of helping to create lifetime lovers of music.


Truly a blessing! Teachers invest in more than the education of her students, but in their hearts and lives! Love Warner! If you are thinking about lessons for yourself or a loved one, you will not be sorry if you elect to use this company! ❤


My daughter, Margaret, loves her time with Warner Music School and every week she comes home with more and more enthusiasm for the piano in our own home. If you're looking for a place to expand your child's talents and who knows, maybe even your own social base Warner Music School is the place for you.